Beautiful IRAN

Sight Seeing places of iran & world

Beautiful IRAN

Sight Seeing places of iran & world

Sialk Hills in Esfahan

About Sialk Hills in Esfahan province

(in IRAN)

Approximately 4,500 years BC., a community with an interesting civilization was settled in this area and their tools were of stone and bone.
There is a possibility that the former residents of this region had succumbed to their successors. Here, Elamite slabs of clay have been found, and due to the links of this community with that of the civilization of Shoosh (Susa), about 5,500 years ago, they learned to write.
Thereby, several clay slabs with the most ancient Elamite script are vestiges of this area. Evidences found in the cemetery between the two hillocks are related to the fresh immigrants to the Sialk Hill, which bears a strong resemblance to the discoveries in the Giyan Hillock of Nahavand and Khordin of Savoj Bollaq



Leaning Tower of Pisal

Why the Leaning Tower of Pisa is special

Its tilt seems to defy gravity – you wonder why it doesn’t topple. Yet, even if the Leaning Tower of Pisa in Italy didn't lean, visitors would come to marvel at its design (look at the photograph and imagine the tower upright). And, the tower is part of a magnificent Romanesque architectural complex that includes the famous Baptistery and Cathedral of Pisa.


Tilt history

The tilting of the Leaning Tower of Pisa is not new. Soon after this 800-year-old campanile (free standing bell tower) was begun, workers noticed a risky inclination caused by soft subsoil. Partial remedies were applied and the architecturally flawed tower was completed about 70 years later.
Over the centuries the tilt angle of the 56-meter (182-feet) tall Leaning Tower of Pisa continued to increase. Today the top edge lists about 5 meters (16 feet) from the perpendicular, creating a gravity-defying appearance.
Some experts predict an any-year-now collapse, others believe that the current restoration project will save this world wonder.
Visitors can no longer climb the tower
Since 1990, the Leaning Tower of Pisa’s internal steps have been closed to the public. No longer can we climb the 294-step spiral staircase to the belfry as a million people have done in the past.
What leading travel books say about the Leaning Tower
The Leaning Tower of Pisa should fall by 2200 if nothing is done to arrest the continuing subsidence.
Insights Guides
The Leaning Tower of Pisa is a freakishly beautiful building.
Rough Guides