about Arg-e Bam in Kerman province
Once a famous citadel and strategic stronghold, this fort has
been built on a huge rock and covers an area of six square
kilometers in all. It is 300 meters long and 200 meters wide and
consists of two parts.
The fort is a five-story structure of unbaked brick and must
have been constructed before the fifth and sixth centuries A.H.
(11th and 12th centuries A.D.).
The place has undergone frequent repairs and comprises a
rampart, an ancient entrance, adequate fortifications, some
Safavid structures, a mosque, and a building known as (Char-Fasl)
or (Palace of four seasons). There are two inscriptions in this
vast and magnificent construction, which are indicative of
recent reparations. Both tablets bear the date 20th Azar 1337
S.H. year (1958 A.D.); one of these has been installed by the
society for the Preservation of National Monuments and the
other, by the Department of Archaeology.
The next of the latter is as follows: (The Citadel of Bam, which
was habitable and in a fairly good condition until a hundred and
fifty years ago, has, according to (Hundud al-Alam) and other
reliable sources that have come down to us from 4th century A.H.
(10th century A.D.), been founded some 2000 years back, and has
been repeatedly repaired thereafter. This commemorative tablet
relates to the completion of the repairs of the watchtower and a
part of the Governor`s residence. Azar 1337. Department of
(Kerman is the heart of the world ...) so says Shah
Nemat-ol-lah-e-vali, the well known sufi-poet of the 8th century
A.H. (Heart of the world) is as old as the history itself. R.
Frye in the Heritage of Persia ( London,1962) brings up the
possibility that the Kermani or Germani tribe has given its name
to the area of its residence. Berossus, the Chaldean historian (
3rd cent. BC ) in his account of the fall of Babylon to Cyrus
the Great says that the Persian
about Alisadr Cave in Hamedan province
The Alisadr cave-lake, 120 km to the north-west of Hamadan near
a village by this same name and at the foothill of Su-Bashi, is
one of the strangest natural sights in Iran, in fact, the latter
is an endless network of caves full of clear water.
The Alisadr cave-lake was discovered in the first half of 70s,
and is now being visited by waves of local and foreign tourists.
In some sections the caves are more than 100 meters wide.
In some sections the cave ceiling,is more than 10 meters high.
This cave is located 80 kilometers northwest of Hamadan, in the
Subashi mountains close to Ali Sadr village and is one of the
most beautiful natural features in the world.
This cave is composed of large and small spiral channels which
are linked to one another.
In some sections the cave is 100 meters wide and 10 meters high.
Ali Sadr cave was discovered during the fourth and fifth
centuries and today lots of tourists visist it in the summer