about Atashkadeh in Yazd province
The most important Zoroastrian fire temple, Atashkadeh (located
on a hill in a small garden on the east side of Ayatollah
Kashani St.) is open to the public from 08:00 to 11:00 am and
02:30 to 04:30 Pm Saturday to Thursday, expect holidays.
There is no entrance fee, but donations are welcomed. It is
surrounded by evergreen trees and a large round pool in the
courtyard which gives a clear reflection of the temple for
artistic photography.
The sacred flame behind a glass visible from the small museum
inside has, according to the Zoroastrian elder in attendance
here, been burning since about 470 AD and was transferred from
its original site in 1940.
This attracts Zoroastrians from around the world, and there will
probably be someone who speaks English to explain things to you.
There are also a couple of paintings here, including one of
Zoroastrian, Architecturally, there are certain similarities
between this fire-temple and those of Iranian Zoroastrians.
There are plenty of other Zoroastrian sites such as Qoleh Asadan
(the Fortress of Lions) in the far northeast of Yazd, and the
most important one, Chak Chak (see below), 52 km to the north